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Travel with Confidence: Understanding Safety in the Dominican Republic

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The Dominican Republic is a beautiful destination known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality. However, concerns about safety have raised questions among potential travelers. In this article, we will dive deep into the topic of safety in the Dominican Republic and provide you with essential information to help you make informed decisions for your upcoming trip.

While incidents of tainted alcohol and reports of tourist sickness and deaths have been widely publicized, it is important to note that there have been no suspicious deaths of American tourists in the last 36 months. The Dominican Republic government has taken significant measures to address these concerns and enhance safety for visitors. These efforts include strengthening the tourist police force and implementing security enhancements throughout the country.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Dominican Republic is considered a level-2 (“exercise increased caution”) country by the U.S. State Department, indicating improvements in safety.
  • The government has implemented security measures to address safety concerns and enhance the well-being of tourists.
  • While the U.S. State Department has issued a Level 4 travel advisory, the Dominican Republic government assures travelers that the country is safe, with the number of deaths lower than in previous years.
  • To ensure a safe trip, it is recommended to stay informed, exercise caution, and follow safety tips provided by local resources.
  • By taking appropriate precautions, travelers can explore and enjoy the beauty of the Dominican Republic with confidence.

Recent Incidents and Safety Measures

In 2019, the Dominican Republic faced concerns regarding crime in the dominican republic, incidents of tainted alcohol, and reports of tourist sickness and deaths. These incidents raised questions about tourist safety in the dominican republic and sparked a response from the government to strengthen security measures. As part of these efforts, the government implemented a series of security enhancements.

One of the key measures taken was an increase in hotel inspections to ensure compliance with safety standards. These inspections focus on areas such as food and beverage handling, pool safety, and overall security protocols. Additionally, the government introduced a monitoring system to oversee medical facilities in hotels to ensure that proper healthcare standards are maintained.

Furthermore, an emergency tourist center was established to provide immediate assistance and support to tourists in case of unforeseen events or emergencies. This center serves as a dedicated resource for tourists seeking help and guidance during their visit to the Dominican Republic.

The government also prioritized the strengthening of the tourist police force, known as CESTUR (Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridad Turística). CESTUR has been deployed in popular tourist areas and plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of tourists. Their presence contributes to the reduction of violent crime and enhances the overall security of tourists visiting the country.

These comprehensive security measures have been instrumental in improving tourist safety in the dominican republic. The proactive approach taken by the government to address safety concerns demonstrates its commitment to the well-being of visitors and enhances the overall security environment in the country.

The government of the Dominican Republic has implemented robust security measures, including increased hotel inspections, the establishment of an emergency tourist center, and strengthening the tourist police force. These measures help ensure the safety and security of tourists visiting the country.

tourist safety in the dominican republic

Key Safety Measures Implemented:

  • Frequent hotel inspections to ensure compliance with safety standards
  • Monitoring of medical facilities in hotels
  • Establishment of an emergency tourist center
  • Strengthening and deployment of the tourist police force (CESTUR)

Travel Advisory and Official Response

The U.S. State Department has issued a Level 4 travel advisory for the Dominican Republic due to COVID-19 concerns and crime. However, the Dominican Republic government has assured travelers that the country is safe, with the number of deaths being lower than in previous years. The government has implemented security enhancements and is committed to addressing ongoing public perceptions of safety.

Travelers are advised to exercise increased caution, stay informed about conditions at their specific destination, and follow safety tips provided by local resources such as hotel concierges.

“The safety and well-being of tourists are our top priorities. While we acknowledge the concerns raised, we want to assure travelers that the Dominican Republic is a safe destination with a long-standing track record of hosting millions of visitors each year. We have taken significant steps to enhance security and address any public perceptions of safety. We encourage visitors to enjoy our beautiful country and experience the warm hospitality that awaits them.”

– Ministry of Tourism, Dominican Republic

Enhanced Security Measures

The Dominican Republic government has implemented a series of security measures to ensure the safety of both tourists and residents. These measures include:

  • Increase in police presence and patrols in popular tourist areas
  • Strengthening of tourist police force (CESTUR)
  • Implementation of stricter hotel inspections and monitoring of medical facilities
  • Establishment of emergency tourist centers

Exercise Caution and Stay Informed

While the Dominican Republic is taking steps to improve safety, it is important for travelers to remain vigilant and informed about the current conditions at their specific destination. Some safety tips to keep in mind include:

  • Stay within well-populated and tourist-friendly areas
  • Follow the guidance of hotel staff and local authorities
  • Avoid displaying expensive jewelry or cash
  • Use reliable transportation services
  • Keep important documents and valuables secure

By staying cautious and proactive, travelers can have a safe and enjoyable experience exploring the beautiful sights and culture that the Dominican Republic has to offer.

Safety Tips Description
Stay informed Regularly check travel advisories and local news updates to stay aware of any potential risks or warnings.
Contact hotel concierge Seek recommendations and safety tips from the hotel staff, who are knowledgeable about the local area.
Use secure transportation Opt for reputable taxi services or prearranged transportation through trusted providers for safer travel.
Avoid isolated areas Stay away from secluded or poorly lit areas, especially at night, to minimize the risk of becoming a target for crime.
Keep emergency contacts Carry a list of emergency contacts, including local authorities and the nearest embassy or consulate.

Tips for Staying Safe in the Dominican Republic

To ensure a safe trip to the Dominican Republic, there are several key safety tips to keep in mind. By following these recommendations, you can enjoy your vacation with peace of mind:

  • Stay informed about the conditions at your specific destination. Keep track of any travel advisories or updates from the local authorities or your embassy to stay up to date on any potential risks or safety concerns.
  • Familiarize yourself with the safe parts of town and avoid venturing into unfamiliar or unsafe areas. Research your destination beforehand to identify neighborhoods or locations that are known to be safe for tourists.
  • Check hotel safety ratings and reviews before booking your accommodation. Look for hotels or resorts that prioritize the safety and security of their guests and have positive feedback from previous visitors.
  • Secure your valuables to prevent theft. Use hotel safes or lockboxes to store your passport, cash, and valuables while you are out exploring. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or wearing expensive jewelry in public.
  • Dress to blend in with the local culture. Avoid wearing flashy or expensive clothing and accessories that may attract unwanted attention. Instead, opt for more casual and modest attire.
  • Research local transportation options for safety and reliability. Use reputable taxi services or arrange transportation through your hotel. Avoid using unmarked or unofficial taxis, especially at night.
  • Exercise caution when consuming alcohol. Be mindful of your alcohol intake and avoid accepting drinks from strangers. Stick to trusted establishments and always keep an eye on your drink to prevent any incidents.
  • Utilize travel apps that enhance safety and provide valuable information about your surroundings. These apps can help you navigate, locate emergency services, and stay updated on any potential risks in the area.
  • Consider signing up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) offered by the U.S. Department of State. This program allows U.S. citizens traveling to the Dominican Republic to receive important safety updates and assist the embassy in contacting you during emergencies.

By following these safety tips and being aware of your surroundings, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience while exploring the Dominican Republic.

Water and Health Precautions

When traveling to the Dominican Republic, it is essential to prioritize your health and well-being. By taking necessary precautions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Here are some health travel tips to keep in mind:

Stay Hydrated with Bottled Water

Drinking tap water in the Dominican Republic is not recommended due to the potential risk of contamination. It is advisable to consume bottled water instead, which is widely available. By staying hydrated, you can avoid dehydration and minimize the risk of waterborne illnesses.

Protect Yourself from Mosquito-Borne Illnesses

The Dominican Republic is known for its tropical climate, which makes it a favorable environment for mosquitoes. To protect yourself from mosquito-borne illnesses such as dengue, Zika, and chikungunya, it is recommended to use insect repellent containing DEET, wear long-sleeved clothing and hats, and avoid outdoor activities during peak mosquito hours.

Shield Your Skin from the Sun

With its pristine beaches and sunny weather, the Dominican Republic offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities. To avoid sunburn and long-term damage to your skin, remember to apply sunscreen with a high SPF before heading out. It is also advisable to seek shade during the hottest hours of the day and wear protective clothing.

Prioritize Your Health Before Travel

Before embarking on your journey, consult with your doctor to ensure that you are in good health and have received any necessary vaccinations. It is also important to update your routine vaccinations, including measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, varicella (chickenpox), polio, and flu vaccines, as recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Ensure Adequate Health Insurance Coverage

Accidents and unexpected illnesses can happen while traveling. It is crucial to have comprehensive health insurance coverage that extends to international destinations such as the Dominican Republic. Check with your insurance provider to confirm your coverage and consider purchasing additional travel insurance for added peace of mind.

Access to Quality Medical Care

In case of any medical emergencies during your trip, rest assured that the Dominican Republic has private hospitals with modern facilities and multilingual staff. These hospitals cater to both locals and international visitors, ensuring that you receive quality medical care if the need arises.

By following these health travel tips and taking necessary precautions, you can maintain your well-being and enjoy a fulfilling experience in the beautiful Dominican Republic.


medical care in the dominican republic

Personal Safety and Emergency Services

To ensure personal safety in the Dominican Republic, it is advised to avoid walking alone in isolated areas at night. Being aware of your surroundings and staying in well-run hotels or resorts can help create a safer environment during your trip. It is recommended to follow common-sense practices such as not flashing wealth or carrying large amounts of cash, as these actions can attract unwanted attention.

In the event of emergencies or security concerns, the Dominican Republic has a specialized police force called Politur dedicated to the safety and security of tourists. Travelers can contact Politur for immediate assistance and guidance. Their expertise and quick response can provide peace of mind and ensure your safety while enjoying your time in the Dominican Republic.

Emergency Services in the Dominican Republic

In case of any medical emergencies, it is reassuring to know that the Dominican Republic has a well-established medical system with private hospitals equipped with modern facilities and multilingual staff. These hospitals are readily available to provide the necessary medical care and attention you may need during your stay.

Additionally, it is recommended to have a clear emergency plan in place and share your travel plans with a trusted contact. This ensures that someone is aware of your whereabouts and can be contacted in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Checking with your health insurance provider about coverage in the Dominican Republic is also essential, as it enables you to understand the extent of medical coverage available to you in case of a medical emergency.

Travelers may also consider purchasing travel insurance for additional peace of mind. Travel insurance provides financial protection and assistance in case of trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost belongings, and other unexpected events that may occur during your travels.

Emergency Services in the Dominican Republic Contact Information
Specialized Tourist Police (Politur) Emergency Hotline: 911
Private Hospitals Emergency Healthcare Facilities: Vary by location

By prioritizing personal safety and knowing how to access emergency services in the Dominican Republic, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience while exploring the beauty of this vibrant country.

Driving and Road Safety

When it comes to driving in the Dominican Republic, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks. Poor signage, limited knowledge about the area, and a high number of car and motorcycle accidents can make driving a challenge. To ensure your safety on the roads, here are some essential precautions to take:

  • Avoid driving during late hours when visibility is reduced and the risk of encountering reckless drivers increases.
  • Never leave valuables or bags in your car, as it can attract unwanted attention and increase the risk of theft.
  • Exercise caution when using cash machines, especially at night or in isolated areas, as criminals may target individuals making withdrawals.
  • Be prepared for poor cell phone signals in some areas outside of tourist regions, which can hinder communication and navigation.

To mitigate these risks and ensure a safe journey, it is recommended to hire reliable transportation services or use reputable taxi companies. This way, you can rely on experienced drivers who are familiar with the local roads and can navigate the challenges effectively.

By prioritizing safety and taking these precautions, you can have a smoother and more secure travel experience on the roads of the Dominican Republic.

Additional Safety Considerations

When traveling to the Dominican Republic, it’s important to consider additional safety precautions to ensure a smooth and worry-free trip. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Be cautious at bars and watch your drinks: Like any other destination, it’s important to exercise caution when enjoying nightlife in the Dominican Republic. Keep an eye on your drinks at all times and be mindful of your surroundings to prevent any incidents.
  2. Have an emergency plan in place: Prior to your trip, it’s recommended to have an emergency plan in place. Research the local emergency services and save their contact information. Familiarize yourself with the nearest hospitals and clinics, and carry a list of emergency contacts with you at all times.
  3. Share travel plans with a trusted contact: Let a family member or friend know about your travel plans, including your itinerary and accommodations. Regularly check-in with them to keep them updated on your whereabouts.
  4. Check with your doctor for any health conditions: Before engaging in any activities or adventures during your trip, consult your doctor to ensure you are physically fit and able to participate. Discuss any pre-existing health conditions and seek appropriate medical advice.
  5. Contact your health insurance provider: Reach out to your health insurance provider prior to your trip to understand the extent of your coverage in case of a medical emergency. Consider purchasing travel insurance to provide additional peace of mind during your travels.


Your safety is of paramount importance when traveling to the Dominican Republic. By following these additional safety considerations, you can further enhance your overall experience and ensure a memorable trip.

Keep in mind that these additional safety considerations should be implemented alongside the general safety tips mentioned earlier in this article. With proper preparation and awareness, you can enjoy your time in the Dominican Republic with confidence.


The Dominican Republic can be a safe and enjoyable destination for travelers, provided that you take appropriate precautions. The government has taken significant steps to address safety concerns, including the implementation of security enhancements and the strengthening of the tourist police force. It is important to note that there have been no reports of suspicious deaths of American tourists in recent years.

To ensure a safe trip, it is crucial to stay informed about the current conditions at your specific destination and follow safety tips provided by local resources such as hotel concierges. By being cautious, following common-sense practices, and staying in well-run hotels or resorts, you can minimize potential risks and enjoy the beautiful beaches and attractions that the Dominican Republic has to offer.

Remember to exercise increased caution, especially when venturing into unfamiliar areas. It is advisable to keep your valuables secure, avoid flaunting wealth or carrying large amounts of cash, and be cautious when consuming alcohol. Additionally, it is recommended to have an emergency plan in place, share your travel plans with a trusted contact, and check with your doctor for any health conditions before engaging in activities.

With the right preparation and awareness, you can confidently explore the wonders of the Dominican Republic and have a memorable travel experience. Take the necessary precautions, follow the local guidelines, and embark on your journey to this beautiful Caribbean destination with peace of mind.


Is the Dominican Republic safe for travelers?

Yes, the Dominican Republic is considered a safe destination for travelers. The government has implemented security measures to address safety concerns, and there have been no reports of suspicious deaths of American tourists in recent years.

What are the recent incidents in the Dominican Republic?

In 2019, there were incidents of tainted alcohol and reports of tourist sickness and deaths. However, the government has since implemented security enhancements, including more frequent hotel inspections, monitoring of medical facilities in hotels, and the establishment of an emergency tourist center.

What is the travel advisory for the Dominican Republic?

The U.S. State Department has issued a Level 4 travel advisory for the Dominican Republic due to COVID-19 concerns and crime. However, the Dominican Republic government has assured travelers that the country is safe, with the number of deaths being lower than in previous years.

How can I stay safe in the Dominican Republic?

To stay safe in the Dominican Republic, it is recommended to stay informed about conditions at your specific destination, know the safe parts of town, and be cautious when exploring unfamiliar areas. It is also advisable to check hotel safety ratings, keep your valuables secure, dress to blend in, and research local transportation options for safety and reliability.

Are there any health precautions I should take in the Dominican Republic?

Yes, it is recommended to avoid drinking tap water and consume bottled water instead. To protect against mosquito-borne illnesses, it is advisable to use insect repellent, wear long-sleeved clothing and hats, and stay hydrated. It is also important to check with your doctor before traveling and ensure you have appropriate health insurance coverage.

How can I ensure personal safety in the Dominican Republic?

To ensure personal safety, it is advised to avoid walking alone in isolated areas at night and keep valuables secure. It is recommended to stay in well-run hotels or resorts and follow common-sense practices such as not flashing wealth or carrying large amounts of cash. In case of emergencies, the Dominican Republic has a specialized police force called Politur that focuses on the safety and security of tourists.

Are there any road safety concerns in the Dominican Republic?

Yes, driving in the Dominican Republic can be risky due to poor signage, lack of knowledge about the area, and a high number of car and motorcycle accidents. It is advisable to avoid driving during late hours, not leave valuables or bags in the car, and be cautious while using cash machines. Travelers are recommended to hire reliable transportation or use reputable taxi services.

Any additional safety considerations for traveling to the Dominican Republic?

It is important to be cautious at bars and watch your drinks to prevent any incidents. It is also recommended to have an emergency plan in place, share travel plans with a trusted contact, and check with your doctor for any health conditions before engaging in activities. Travelers should also contact their health insurance provider to understand coverage in case of a medical emergency and consider purchasing travel insurance for additional peace of mind.

Is it safe to drink tap water in the Dominican Republic?

No, drinking tap water in the Dominican Republic is not recommended. It is advised to consume bottled water instead.

What should I do in case of a medical emergency in the Dominican Republic?

In case of any medical emergencies, the Dominican Republic has private hospitals with modern facilities and multilingual staff. It is advisable to seek medical attention at these facilities.

How can I contact emergency services in the Dominican Republic?

In case of emergencies or security concerns, travelers can contact the specialized police force called Politur. They focus on the safety and security of tourists in the Dominican Republic.

Should I be aware of any specific driving and road safety tips in the Dominican Republic?

Yes, driving in the Dominican Republic can be risky. It is advisable to be cautious on the roads, avoid driving during late hours, not leave valuables or bags in the car, and use reliable transportation options or reputable taxi services.

What should I be cautious of when exploring bars in the Dominican Republic?

It is important to be cautious at bars and watch your drinks to prevent any incidents or possible safety concerns.

Is there anything else I should consider in terms of safety when traveling to the Dominican Republic?

Yes, it is recommended to have an emergency plan in place, share travel plans with a trusted contact, and check with your health insurance provider for coverage in case of a medical emergency. Consider purchasing travel insurance for additional peace of mind.

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